Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Truth Behind Professional Indemnity Insurance Quotes

Professional indemnity insurance is a type of business insurance that protects professionals when they are threatened with legal action as a result of negligence, act of omission or error. There are various types of indemnity insurance plans for professionals and buyers who are interested in purchasing these plans can opt for a quote online or via the phone. However; before asking for a quote, buyers should be aware of a few things such as are professional indemnity insurance quotes accurate and is it safe to ask for quotes online. Listed below are answers to these questions and many more.

How Can I get a Professional Indemnity Estimate? There are two ways in which you can easily get an estimate without visiting the insurer in person. The first way is to visit an insurance agent or insurance comparison website and ask for an instant online quote. The second way is to call an insurance agent or insurance comparison website's hotline number and ask for an instant quote over the phone.

Why Should I Opt for an Online Quote? Online quotes are instant which means that you do not have to wait for many hours in suspense to know how much you will have to pay for the policy of your choice. In addition, multiple quotes can be acquired online by visiting an insurance agent's website. It should be noted that buyers can acquire online quotes directly from the insurer's website as well, however insurers usually offer single quotes and do not offer extended comparison features.

Are Online Quotes Accurate? Yes, online quotes are accurate and before a quote is given the buyer is asked to enter certain details about his profession and requirements so that the system can provide an accurate quote. However; it should be noted that special circumstances are not taken into account while online quotes are provided. Discounts if any will be applied when the buyer is purchasing the policy from the insurer or a registered insurance agent's website.

Is it Safe to Ask for Professional Indemnity Insurance Quotes Online? Yes, it is safe to ask for online professional indemnity cover quotes and buyers do not have to be worried about their details being shared with third parties. Reputed insurance agents and good insurers make sure that the details entered are not shared and that all information entered into the system remains confidential. Purchasing a policy online is safe since insurance websites use secure payment gateways and encrypted web pages to process payments.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

3 Reasons Why Your Need an Umbrella Policy

Do you have a $1 million umbrella policy? You are not sure what this policy is and why you need it?

If you own a couple houses, and rent some houses out or have a dog, a boat, or a Jet Ski, motorcycle or RV, you should have it. The more property you own, the more risk you are taking. Any parent or guardian of a teenage driver in the household should consider this coverage as a necessity. If you are a movie star, a politician or other public figure, your additional liability policy should be purchased with an insurance company that specializes in those kinds of policies.

An umbrella policy provides additional liability insurance over and above the basic coverage provided by underlying liability insurance, such as an auto policy. You also can purchase a standalone excess liability policy that does not require an underlying policy. Such a policy also covers some losses that are excluded by the auto or homeowner's liability insurance.

Here are three major reasons why you need an umbrella policy:

These days, anyone can be sued for almost anything. If you caused a five-car accident on the road because you were texting, you can be sued. If you had a party in your home and somebody tripped on that staircase that you had no time to fix, you can be sued. Liability policy provides coverage against lawsuits that you, your spouse, partner or kids, or even a pet caused bodily injury or property damage to other person by accident. False claims, false arrests, slander, libel, vandalism are also covered. In case of a lawsuit, if you are guilty, the court can order your personal savings and personal property to be taken away from you to pay for the losses. Even your future earnings can be subject to paying for that loss. I am sure you don't want that to happen. An umbrella policy covers the insured and his or her family anywhere in the world.

Personal umbrella policy range can be from $1 million to $5 million, but the premiums are not that high. The majority of a loss is paid by your primary auto insurance, so your umbrella insurance rates are not that expensive. This type of policy can cost between $110 to $300 per year, depending on how much property it covers, the state and country where the policy was purchased. Contact your agent and purchase an umbrella policy and be safe!

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Make Sure You Have Enough Insurance

Everyone buys insurance. You have to if you drive or own a home. It's a good idea even if you don't.  But how do you know how much insurance to get? There's no sense in paying for insurance you don't need, but you want to make sure you're covered.

There are two types if insurance - covering something you own and covering yourself for liability. Insuring your own belongings is pretty straight forward. Is you car worth $20,000? Then you should probably insure it for that amount. There are variables in this kind of coverage. What deductible are you willing to pay in the event that a loss occurs? Is it covered for its depreciated value or full replacement value? How can you prove the value of something that was lost? All of these questions are answerable before a loss occurs. We don't always go through the steps we should until it's too late, but we can.

The second type of insurance is liability insurance. This is where it gets dicey. There's no way to know how much you could be sued for if you cause damage to someone else. If you rear end someone, you're responsible for the cost of getting their car repaired. Did you hit a 10-year-old civic or a brand new Porsche? If you could avoid hitting an expense car, you'd avoid the accident altogether.  What if you are the person who caused a 10 car pileup?

Worse than that is the possibility that someone could be hurt or killed. Damage to people is far worse than damage to property - emotionally and financially. If someone gets hurt and it's your fault, you could be held responsible for medical costs, lost wages, and even pain and suffering.  Somehow the courts manage to put a price tag on that, but I sure don't know how. And the amounts can be astronomical.

If you are found liable and you don't have enough insurance, you could be wiped out financially. The court can take your assets to pay the debt, and if that doesn't cover it, you'll continue to pay from future earnings.

So how can you possibly protect yourself from such a huge unknown? Umbrella insurance was designed especially for that purpose. Here's how it works. You have auto insurance and homeowner's insurance policies. On top of that, you can buy an umbrella policy which covers any loss above the limits in those policies up to the amount of the umbrella policy. Let's say your homeowner's insurance covers up to $500,000 for one accident, but you're liable for $750,000 worth of damage. Your homeowner's insurance pays the first $500,000 and the umbrella policy covers the other $250,000.

You can buy an umbrella policy that covers you up to $1 million to $5 million. Some companies even offer policies that cover up to $10 million. It's surprisingly inexpensive for so much coverage. Why? Because claims are so rare. The chances that you'll have some kind of claim on your auto or homeowner's insurance policy during your lifetime are pretty high. Claims are only made against umbrella policies in the worst cases.

The next time you're renewing your auto or homeowner's policy, ask your agent to tell you how much an umbrella policy would cost. It might make all the difference should the worst ever happen.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   Income Protection Insurance: A Boon for the Salaried Class   

Overview Of Umbrella Excess Insurance

We know by now that an umbrella insurance policy is so important for people all over the globe. Most experts would advise the individuals to purchase umbrella policies so as to secure themselves against any of those unforeseen events and incidental accidents. However, people often make the mistake of not purchasing the perfect umbrella cover, which would normally solve all of their problems and worries. Now there are even personalized umbrella insurance schemes and policies, which will provide the individuals financial and legal assistance against their personal injuries and damages. However, people also want something more effective than any of those financial devices. One such thing is known as umbrella excess liability insurance. This may seem a bit complicated to understand. Complicated or not, it is necessary for people to wholly understand the concept and facilities of umbrella excess liability insurance.

The excessive umbrella insurance cover sounds like a variation of the average excessive insurance cover. Many insurance companies provide the latter. However, the normal excess insurance cover is often found to be insufficient and inadequate to solve the problems arising out of many unforeseen events and situations. These may include fraudulent actions, accidental injuries and so on. The excess insurance is only a slight extension of the regular insurance. The umbrella excess insurance would provide legal and financial cover for a number of unexpected damages and losses. Thus, the coverage of the excess of umbrella insurance is significantly greater and more varied than the regular excess insurance. It would be somewhat of a bare essential to empower oneself with an umbrella excess insurance policy.

Similarly, the surplus advantages of the umbrella insurance policy would suit a range of needs, urgencies and immediate requirements. The firms and entrepreneurial business enterprises could benefit from the additional protection against the incidents of losses, calamities, frauds and artificial shortages. Also, the entrepreneurs can secure themselves by settling their legal and financial insurance. Lastly, the surplus advantages could suit the regular and common people just as well. They could use their umbrella insurance policies as they would use any of the regular accident and health insurances.

Just the same, the major benefit of the umbrella excess insurance seems to be in its approach to the common individuals. There could be plenty of times, when you may face personal injuries, and you may lodge complaints in the court. To seal a victory, you can gain the help of the umbrella insurance. It would give you most efficient legal facilities and provisions.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   

Australians Are Notoriously Underinsured, a Serious Problem Facing the Entire Country

Although it's a subject few are comfortable discussing, when an unexpected illness, injury, or death of a loved one strikes and your personal insurance is insufficient to cover all the related expenses, the emotional damage compounded by the financial implications can range from stressful to catastrophic.

Only four percent of Australia's total population with dependent children have adequate insurance to protect themselves and their family. One group of studies published by the Investment and Financial Services Association (IFSA) on claims paid from 13 life insurance companies found that the average payouts were significantly lower than the financial needs created by the losses incurred.

Few Australians have the financial resources to cover the expenses of life's unexpected hazards, and yet too many don't have a plan in place that will protect their financial security and lifestyle in the event that the income earner suddenly becomes unable to work due to illness, injury or death.

Multicover insurance - that is, coverage that includes life insurance, income protection insurance, trauma insurance (also called critical illness insurance), and disability insurance - is not a priority for many Australian households, and yet having multicover insurance in place is fundamental to good financial planning.

In an economy that has many struggling to make ends meet, insurance is often considered an unnecessary expense, as many Australians take a "she'll be right" approach to planning ahead. The truth is, multicover insurance is vital to financial security, but unfortunately for many, this realization isn't met until it's too late.

Financial planning is not just for the wealthy. It is an important process that identifies our financial goals and long term objectives, and maps out how we intend to achieve those goals and objectives. Part of sensible financial planning is identifying those vehicles of protection, wealth creation, life milestones and plans for contingencies. Once in place, an individual's financial plan, including multicover insurance, should be periodically revised to match their needs at each life stage, adjusted to shed elements no longer needed while incorporating new requirements.

How does one determine the level of multicover insurance they need in order to make sure their family and lifestyle are safe when the unthinkable happens? In order to compare multicover insurance plans, it's important to know what coverage you need to suit the needs of yourself and your family.

For instance, a working couple in their mid 30′s with two young children may need to plan for benefits 10 to 13 times the value of their taxable earnings in case their earnings were suddenly cut off due to death or disability. Therefore, if you earn a full-time salary of $50,000, this translates to $500,000 to $600,000 in life insurance coverage in order to protect your family's lifestyle if you were to lose your life.

Parents in their mid 40′s who work full time, earning $50,000 per year, with older children at home may need life insurance coverage in the $300,000 to $450,000 range. This varies and your personal situation and needs should be discussed with a licensed insurance specialist.

So many people live their lives with the attitude that 'it won't happen to me," until something happens. This reflects a serious lack of awareness of the effects an unexpected death, injury or illness can have on a family. Too few Australians have taken the time to learn about the actual costs of multicover insurance, often because they mistakenly perceive it to be prohibitively expensive. Compounding the problem is the perception that insurance is too complicated, and the basic discomfort most people feel when it comes to discussing loss and mortality. They simply choose not to think about it.

Trauma insurance pays out a lump sum of money in the event of a major illness or condition such as a heart attack, cancer, stroke, loss of a limb, paralysis or other medical event described within the policy. The average age of Australians experiencing traumatic medical conditions is a young 42 years. With trauma insurance in place, you can count on financial coverage through the recovery period for yourself and your family. Trauma insurance pays out upon receiving a diagnosis, or within a week or two of surviving an injury or illness that has rendered you disabled, depending on the provider.

When a medical event leads to total and permanent disability, disability insurance will provide a lump sum benefit of up to $5 million to help you meet your financial responsibilities. Disability coverage can also help with whatever adjustments you need to make in order to cope with circumstances resulting from the disability, such as rehabilitation, therapy, and any special equipment you may need.

Income protection insurance is designed to protect your income in the event that you are unable to work due to an illness or injury. Consider the impact a loss of your income would have on your family if you suddenly became unable to work. Income protection insurance alleviates the worry over paying bills and putting food on the table.

Multicover insurance is tailored to each individual and family's specific needs, and should be reviewed regularly with a licensed insurance specialist to be sure it continues to meet your needs.

Australians who are underinsured are exposed to serious risks. Multicover insurance can't prevent tragedy from happening. What it can do is provide financial support such that you and your family will survive if you can no longer work. Your assets are better protected, your living costs will be easier to meet, and your family will be spared the agony that comes when the loss or injury of a loved one is made worse by financial turmoil.

MultiCover is a referral service and not a financial services provider. The information on our website and other documentation is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal financial situation, needs or objectives. None of this information is, or shall be deemed to constitute financial and/or other advice to purchase a product or service. We strongly recommend that you obtain professional advice prior to purchasing any insurance product and/or service. Please see our site Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement for more information.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Get an Umbrella So You Don't Get Soaked

We have auto insurance to cover medical costs and liability if we were to be at fault in an auto accident. And we have home insurance to cover the home and personal property in case of damage. There's also liability coverage included with home and renters insurance. But what happens if you unfortunately cause a large auto accident? What if the medical bills are more than your auto insurance will cover? And what if those involved in the accident sue you, for more than the liability coverages on your home insurance?

This is where the umbrella insurance policy comes in. For less than $200 a year, you can have an additional $1,000,000 of coverage. If you have $500,000 auto coverage, then you would have up to $1,500,000. Depending on how much assets you have, that might be enough. It's inexpensive because your home or auto coverages would need to be used up first.

If you are in a situation where the judgments are more than your coverage, it is up to you to cover the difference. In Colorado, these are the assets exposed in the event of a judgement: Real Property, Auto, Liquid Assets, Future Wages, and Personal Property. As the percentage of judgement awarded over $1,000,000 continue to increase, it would be wise to call your insurance agent today and inquire about an umbrella policy.

Umbrella policies used to be thought of for only wealthy clients. But that is no longer the case. The expenses of medical care after an accident are continually going up. If you had the Colorado state minimum auto liability coverage of $25,000 per person, would that really cover any major medical bills? Of course not! If you are at fault for an accident, and someone's expenses are more than your coverage, you are responsible for the difference. Are any of us in a position to access even $20,000 to cover expenses? And what if the judgments against you from court total over 6 figures? Who is going to pay that bill. You might think since you don't make much money, you wouldn't be sued for very much. But in Colorado, up to 25% of earnings can be garnished to pay for amounts due. Are you able to give up 25% of your salary, and maybe for many years to come? Protect yourself, protect your family. Get an umbrella policy for the coverage you need.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Understanding Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides blanket liability protection for individuals and their assets. These policies go above and beyond the limits of a primary auto and home insurance policy, and also fill-in the gaps in those policies. The high limits of an Umbrella policy protect an individual in the event of a large dollar amount claim. Most Umbrella plans begin at one million dollars in coverage, but they can be purchased with much higher coverage limits.

For instance, an umbrella policy would pay out in the event of auto accident in which someone was severely injured or killed. In the event of a severe traffic related injury, liability payouts in the court system have been as high as millions of dollars. With most people only carrying $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident liability limits, its easy to see how necessary an umbrella policy is to one's financial health. Without that coverage, the at-fault party is responsible for the remainder of the payout after the policies coverage limits have been exhausted. So, if you cause an accident that results in $800, 000 in damages to one person, and only carry liability limits of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident, you will be stuck paying $700,000 of the bill.

The need for umbrella coverage is large, although largely unfamiliar to many people. Most people who have a net worth under $500,000 assume they do not need such a high liability limit. What most of these people don't realize is that, in the event of a large dollar amount claims, not only can real property be taken, but future earnings can also be garnished to pay for the remainder of the bill after the insurance limits have been exhausted. This makes Umbrella coverage a crucial coverage for any wage earner to carry.

The cost for this type of coverage is relatively low. The premium depends on the risk, of course, but the average annual cost for one million dollars in coverage is $200-300. The coverage amount of liability blankets the coverage on your existing policy (i.e. if you had $500,000 liability limit on your home and a one million dollar umbrella policy, you would have coverage up to $1.5 million). Umbrella insurance can also fill in the gaps of liability coverage where your home or auto policies may not provide coverage. For instance, umbrella policy can provide coverage in the event of libel, false arrest, slander, or invasion of privacy. In this sue happy world we live in, many are finding that it is better to have ample coverage than try to save a few dollars.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Personal Umbrella Protection - Added Protection For Extraordinary Circumstances

You can buy all the coverage you want for home and auto insurance, but it doesn't mean that you will be completely covered. Though the odds of it happening are slim, perhaps you will be served several claims because you were the cause of a multi-car pile up on the freeway, or you will be sued for an unreal amount of money by a man or woman who fell on your property...and they win.

The reality is that your coverage plan can only cover so much, which is why many insurance companies also offer personal umbrella protection to policyholders. This type of coverage works after your home or auto insurance policy exhausts itself after an unfortunate circumstance, and there are still damages and repairs that need to be honored. It is a great way to insure you and your family extra protection because you will never know when a major catastrophe could threaten to wipe you out financially.

Here are some other ways that it works:

Covers the exhaustion of liability insurance. When someone threatens to sue you to pay for injuries that happened on your property, personal umbrella protection will kick in the moment your liability coverage empties.

Example: A kid and his father are severely injured in an auto accident, and the mother sues you to pay for medical bills. However, you only have 200,000 in liability coverage. Since your liability coverage only covers up to 200,000 in hospital bills, personal umbrella protection from 200,000 on up to your designated amount.

The coverage is inexpensive. Normally, your claim risk is mostly paid by your auto and home insurance policies. Therefore, you would receive a very affordable rate for protection, usually up to $300 a year, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

You receive broader coverage. Here are just some of many situations that umbrella protection can cover you, according to the New York Times:

o Lawyer payouts o Legal expenses o Bodily injury liability o Personal injury o Property damage

In many instances, it can help you if you served a charity or a religious or civil organization and you must face liability.

What Not To Expect From Personal Umbrella Protection

Keep in mind though that the coverage cannot cover anything. For example, businesses are not covered; they are covered under a business insurance policy. Moreover, if your accident or unfortunate coincidence was intentional, your policy will not cover you (it's against the law to do so anyway).

Contact your insurance agent to discuss an insurance plan. It could save your financial life or at least give you that extra cushion - just in case.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Engineer Liability Insurance

Since the onset of modern society, engineers have toiled and made man?s best dreams come true. They have, in their own ways, laid the foundations of a civil society, and, in turn, engineering has remained a lucrative business. However, like every other human, engineers are prone to follies and errors. When a case is filed against them and they must pay for their liabilities, the profession no longer remains lucrative. The errors on the part of engineers are mostly unintended, but this reason may not be enough to get them a sound hearing in a court of law. Engineer liability insurance is there to safeguard the interests of engineers in such cases.

There are many channels though which an engineer can purchase engineer liability insurance. First there are many individual insurance providers, as well as exclusive agents, independent agents, and brokerage firms. The exclusive agents are those who deal only with one insurance company and therefore may provide only limited options. The independent agents, however, offer a wider range of options and allow one to compare the prices of various companies. A comparison exercise is a good idea to understanding what engineer liability insurance can cover and finding out which insurance company offers the best coverage with the lowest premiums.

Brokerage firms are also specialty agencies that solicit in favor of their customers. They can again provide good options, as they have links with many national and international agencies that provide engineer liability insurance through these brokerage firms. It is useful to check out firms specializing in engineer liability insurance in order to learn about the best deals available in the liability insurance market.

One also must remember to consider many options before finally deciding on one. Surfing the internet to get a better idea of the offers and conditions may indeed bring many benefits to the insurance seeker.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance

Why do you carry an umbrella? The easy answer is so that you protect yourself from the rain, right? Well, not exactly. You also carry an umbrella in case it rains, at least forward-looking people do. And business owners and professionals looking for the right insurance always have to be forward-looking, don't they?

In other words, an umbrella is an "insurance policy" in the event that weather disaster strikes you. You may have a waterproof coat on. You may be wearing rain boots. You might have even picked a route to walk on which provides you the maximum shelter from rainfall. But you'll still carry that umbrella around with you because you want to make sure you don't get soaked once the unwanted event occurs, don't you?

Well, it's not all that different when it comes to formal insurance polices. It's why they've come up with something actually called umbrella insurance. Those creative geniuses in the insurance industry have an answer and a name for everything, don't they?

To put it in the simplest terms, umbrella insurance is extra coverage you get just in case you your basic coverage runs out. So, if you have, say, professional liability coverage of up to $1 million, and a claim is made against you for $1.5 million, the umbrella portion of your coverage can kick in and prevent you from paying the full amount. Just as a real umbrella can save you from the disaster of your hair getting wet, despite the most waterproof hat on the market, good umbrella coverage will provide you with protection in case your basic coverage gets soaked, too.

There are essentially two advantages to obtaining umbrella insurance. One is that it can leave significant assets covered for a relatively small price. The other advantage is that it can simply provide you with more comprehensive coverage -- above and beyond individual policies such as professional liability.

Individuals or professionals who have considerable assets that could be at risk under the threat of a lawsuit might want to consider an umbrella policy. Professional liability alone may not be enough, since the limit of that policy could only cover a certain amount of your assets. By investing in an umbrella policy that would increase the amount of your assets covered, the potential savings in the end could far outweigh the additional costs. Liability insurance is meant to protect you from the nightmare lawsuit. Umbrella insurance does just that if you have considerable assets that could be at risk.

The other thing to take into consideration is that, not only does an umbrella policy provide you with added insurance, just like a real umbrella, but it also provides you with coverage that brings together various different aspects of your specific insurance policies. In other words, this kind of policy puts under one umbrella components that would otherwise be included in separate coverage. There go those insurance experts with their clever titles again. So, a good umbrella insurance package can not only end up costing you a bit less to cover more assets, it can save you the time and effort to seek out individual policies to cover various different components of your business.

For example, instead of, say, getting one policy for professional liability, another policy for property coverage, and yet another for worker's compensation, a cleverly constructed umbrella policy can create for you elements of all of them, save you money, and leave you more widely and deeply covered than you otherwise would be. Like all good insurance policies, it leaves you prepared for when that rainy day hits. You'll have that umbrella over your head to meet that day when it comes.

Now, before coming to the conclusion that, despite all the warnings and all the concerns, you probably don't need umbrella coverage, think about some of the consequences of not getting it. For a relatively small extra investment, is it really wise to simply write off the concern and pretend that you don't have to worry about it?

Here' some food for thought. No matter how careful or good you are, and no matter how prepared you think you are to avoid mistakes and causing harm to others, there are two things you have to worry about with respect to umbrella insurance and professional liability.

The first is that you're human. You're not superman -- or superwoman. As a business owner or professional, you are going to make mistakes. You don't know when or how, but being human means that they mistake can occur one way or another. And they can certainly happen in the normal conduct of your business. In fact, all that has to happen is for there to be a perception of a mistake made by someone you do business with, that causes damages, that you can still end up paying for in terms of legal fees and awarded damages.

The second thing to worry about if you don't have umbrella insurance or professional liability coverage is human nature, especially in today's environment of the frivolous lawsuit. You almost can't imagine the ways in which your business might touch others, and the ways in which someone out there may claim that the harm they suffered was as a result of something you did. You cannot possibly protect yourself from such a scenario without things like professional liability which may include added umbrella insurance. With these under your belt, you help protect yourself from the nightmare lawsuit you never dreamed of ever having to fight.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   

Insurance Umbrella Policy - A Complete Buyer's Guide

Insurance umbrella is the best policy when it comes to providing additional liability coverage for legal claims and other out-sized grievances against the property owners and vehicle insurance policies. When the other liability insurance policies lapse it is time for the insurance umbrella policy to kick in and adjust the difference by making up for it. The claims which are not covered by the property or vehicle insurance are also covered by this policy.

There are different values of an insurance umbrella policy which ranges anywhere between proximately one million dollars to ten million dollars. The coverage amount on these policies is high but so is the amount deducted this in turn makes the premium of this policy highly affordable.

Important Points From The Buyers Guide:

1.The most important thing that you are required to do is gather all the important pieces of information on your home or vehicle insurance policies. This includes the contact numbers and the liability coverage provided by the insurance this will help in the easy verification of facts.

2.You are required to synchronize your existing home or vehicle insurance policy with the insurance umbrella policy. This is important because an umbrella policy comes in use after your previous policies gets exhausted.

3.Dealing with a single company is an advisable thing to do because it reduces the bother of having to deal with numerous companies who will argue over the issues of liability responsibility. Thus choose the company which serves you first.

4.It best to do some research before buying this policy. Contact various different companies and take an estimate from them on the umbrella policies they provide this will give you the benefit to compare and contrast the estimated amounts and then choose the one which suits you the best.

The people who reside in expensive places and those who lead a lavish lifestyle require this type of policy because general insurance resources will fail to cover the risks of a high lawsuit.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   

Umbrella Insurance - The Best Liability Insurance

What is an umbrella insurance policy? This insurance policy has proven itself as the best insurance policy and people are curious to know more about it, so that they can avail one of the best opportunity for securing their assets and liabilities. Umbrella insurance policy as the name suggests, is a full protection plan against the hard hitting crises. Its protection is similar to that of an umbrella, which protects you from bad weather; be rainstorm or harmful sun rays.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits and advantages of an umbrella insurance policy. This insurance plan or policy provides you a complete coverage for your injuries, liabilities, assets and damages to any property or possession. From this we can understand the effectiveness and benefits of this insurance plan in the days of adversity and crisis.

There is a long list of covers offered by an umbrella insurance policy. This insurance plan is basically liability insurance with a number of additional packages. A person can chose a number of assets, for which he requires an insurance plan.

Furthermore, this umbrella or excess insurance product also helps in the defense in lawsuits as matters of your landed property may lead you to the court. The umbrella insurance plan helps you in getting a suitable and proficient lawyer. To avail such an outstanding insurance policy, there is an eligibility criterion for the selection of suitable candidates; therefore, you need to understand the basic terms and conditions in relation to the umbrella insurance products. The basic condition or constraint to meet the criteria is to set the minimum limit on your liabilities, such as your vehicles and homes.

The reason behind the remarkable popularity of the umbrella or excess insurance plan is, its convenient and flexible mode of payment as well as easily payable premiums. The umbrella insurance policy is of great benefit for everybody. Suppose, you had an unfortunate accident and the damage to your car will cost a fortune or you may be injured seriously. Usually in such a case, the other insurance plans will pay for your car damage and that's all; but umbrella insurance product takes coverage to another level and provides you adequate compensation for the personal injury as well. I hope that you will be able to understand, what is the true worth of an umbrella product and to what extent this insurance plan can be beneficial to you in securing your future.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   

Do I Need an Umbrella?

Have you ever hosted a party? If a guest is injured on your property or causes an accident after being served drinks at your home, you could be held responsible. Think about this for a moment...We've all hosted parties, right? Liability extends off the premises as well. On the subject of umbrella, let's say you're at an outdoor event and it starts raining, so you open up your umbrella and poke the person behind you in the eye. He decides to come after you for damages. It might be nice to have a little more coverage, right? My point is, when it comes to having more liability coverage, we could all use it.

Many people incorrectly assume they don't need umbrella insurance - that it's just for rich people. However, simple accidents can result in multi-million dollar lawsuits that put their important assets and future earnings at risk. Studies have shown the average homeowners policy has limits between $100,000 and $300,000 for Personal Liability. These days, this is not enough. In some cases, for as little as $10 a month (rates vary according to the risk and state), you can gain the protection and peace of mind with a Personal Umbrella.

Some highlights of having an Umbrella:

- Additional liability coverage from $1 million to $5 million.

- Bodily injury and property damage in an accident that exceeds your auto liability limit.

- Bodily injury in the event of an accident on your property in excess of your homeowners liability limits.

- Additional coverage for your primary and secondary homes, rental properties, automobile, motorcycle, motor home, watercraft and more.

- Legal defense fees not covered by your current policy - including libel or slander judgments.

- Extended protection for your current assets and future earnings.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   

Umbrella Insurance Extends Your Coverage

Perhaps you've loaded up on insurance: high limits on car insurance, home and flood insurance, and ample life insurance. But even these coverages can't account for every disaster in life. To further protect your assets, there's umbrella insurance. Personal umbrella insurance kicks in when the limits of your auto or home insurance have been exhausted and there are still damages to pay. How could that happen? Say, for example, someone falls on your sidewalk and sues you for an ungodly amount. Or say you cause a six-car pile-up on the highway.

An umbrella insurance policy provides an extra cushion of insurance protection.

How an Umbrella Insurance Policy Works

Umbrella liability insurance covers damage claims that you, your dependents or even your pets may cause. They start paying out after the liability insurance in your homeowners and auto policy runs out. For example, if you have a home insurance policy with liability coverage of $300,000, the umbrella policy will pay claims above $300,000, up to the limit you select, such as $1 million. Or if your liability limit on your car insurance policy is $250,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $500,000 per accident, your umbrella auto insurance kicks in after you exhaust that coverage.

Because the majority of claim risk is paid by your primary auto or home policies, personal umbrella insurance is relatively inexpensive. According to the Insurance Information Institute, you can buy a $1 million umbrella policy for about $150 to $300 a year. The next million will cost about $75, and about $50 for every million after that.

Many insurance companies require that you purchase both your home and auto insurance coverage through them in order to buy an umbrella policy, too. Further, your insurer may require you to buy auto or home liability limits at a minimum amount, such as $300,000.

Umbrella Insurance Provides More Than Your Average Liability Coverage

When you buy a personal liability umbrella policy, you're getting more than just higher liability limits. You're also buying broader coverage in case you're sued. The umbrella policy covers you if you cause bodily injury, property damage or personal injury. Some umbrella policies also cover you if you face liability due to your service on the board of a civic, charitable or religious organization.

But just as with any insurance policy, don't look to your umbrella policy to cover your intentional acts that cause damage. Nor will it pay for punitive damages in judgments against you. Umbrella policies also do not cover damages from any businesses you run; for that, you need a business insurance policy. Check your umbrella policy for specific exclusions.

Before buying an umbrella policy, ask your insurance company about the cost to raise the liability limits in your current auto and home policies. You may even consider offsetting the premium increase for that by raising your deductibles.

At any rate, in a litigious society it's smart to protect your assets.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   

Five Things You Should Know About Liability Insurance

1. In today's litigious society, 1 in every 12 Americans is sued each year, rendering liability insurance crucial in protecting yourself and your loved ones. Although many people believe that it won't happen to them, the frightening reality is that anyone can be sued. Could your otherwise friendly dog sense fear and harm someone? Could you be deemed at fault for a car accident? Could someone sustain an injury on your property? These are just a few of the common ways you can be confronted with a lawsuit, jeopardizing your family's finances.

2. Whether you are a home or business owner, one important type of liability insurance is an umbrella insurance policy. Providing an additional layer of liability coverage on top of your existing policy's liability limits, this type of coverage proves invaluable in the event of an accident or other situation that evolves into a lawsuit. For instance, if your auto insurance policy has a liability limit of $250,000 and you lose a $500,000 lawsuit resulting from an accident, you will be left to finance the remaining $250,000 alone. An umbrella policy can prevent this, providing you with additional liability coverage in million dollar increments to help you finance the costs of lawsuits, settlements and jury awards. Without this additional coverage, a serious accident can leave you confronted with a financial disaster. A commercial umbrella policy functions in the same way, providing you with additional liability coverage for your business, on top of your commercial general liability policy's existing liability limits.

3. As a business owner, there is a specific type of liability insurance that concerns you - commercial general liability coverage. In addition to your worker's compensation coverage and insurance for your commercial property, this type of liability coverage will also prove invaluable in protecting your business from financial disaster. In the event that your company is confronted with one of the most common types of lawsuits filed against businesses, which include discrimination, harassment and wrongful termination according to Chron.com, your insurance will provide coverage. Since losing a lawsuit could force some small companies out of business, this type of coverage plays a significant role in protecting the company you've worked hard to build.

4. Liability insurance is not only important for home and business owners, but also it proves crucial in protecting people considered to provide professional services, like medical professionals. While all providers of professional services should protect themselves with professional liability insurance, physicians tend to face especially high risks. In fact, according to the American Medical Association, six out of every 10 physicians ages 55 and older have been sued, illustrating the importance of professional liability coverage, which protects companies and individuals against loss resulting from acts, errors or omissions in the performance of their professional duties. Professional liability insurance can help protect all medical professionals, from nurse practitioners to pediatricians, from the increased exposures they face.

5. Considering that liability coverage plays a pivotal role in protecting what matters most to you, from your home and family to your business, it's important to rely on someone you can trust to help guide you through the process of securing this type of coverage. Independent insurance agents will help you understand your options, make coverage recommendations and find the best liability policy for your specific needs, ensuring that your assets remain protected.

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance   Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   

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